PM appoints Dr Ijaz Akram as chairman NRA

ISLAMABAD, Dec 07 (APP):The prime minister on Tuesday appointed Dr. Ijaz Akram as Chairman of the high powered National Rehmatulil Aalmeen Authority ( NRA), aimed at countering narratives against Islam and the Holy Prophet (PBUH).

Dr Ijaz is a prominent Islamic scholar having teaching experience in a number of international universities, said a press release issued by Federal Education Ministry.

To seek advice and guidance of esteemed international and national scholars on Seerat un Nabi (SAWW), the authority has ten members advisory council comprising Hamza Yusuf, Dr. Sayyed Hussain Nasr, Muhammad Faghfoorey, Dr. Joseph Lumbard, Waleed al Ansari, Dr. Anees Ahmed, Dr. Atta ur Rehman, Barrister Nusret Majid, Dr. Basit Koshul and Dr. Sahibzada Sajid Rehman.

As a Patron-in-Chief of this noble initiative, prime minister is directly supervising the authority as he is calling meetings of NRA around three times a week and making all out efforts to highlight tolerance, ethical behaviour, rule of law, respect for minorities, kind and respectful attitude towards women and character building in line with the Seerat of Prophet Hazrat Muhammad (PBUH).

There are six thematic members of NRA which will work in areas like Research, International Linkages, Role of Media, Redefining Curriculum, Outreach and Social Justice.

NRA will also review the National curriculum to incorporate the Seerat of the Holy Prophet (PBUH), rich values of Islam and ethics. The authority will organise national and international events to develop emphatic counter narrative on Islamophobia.

The efforts and keen engagement of prime minister with support of an able and accomplished team, which is capable of reaching out and influencing hundreds of millions of young and old people alike at a global level, it is definitely going to generate desired results.