NCGSA, IST to hold First National CanSat Competition

ISLAMABAD, Jan 29 (APP): National Center of GIS and Space Applications (NCGSA), Institute of Space Technology (IST) Islamabad, Pakistan is organizing the First National CanSat Competition to design, develop and launch the student satellite (CanSat) model.

An official of IST informed that high school, college and university students will participate in the competition that would be held between February-April.

The competition is a part of the efforts towards Space Technology Education and Popularization (STEP) through STEM education.

The competition will be held in multiple phases (online/onsite), while the final phase will be held at IST, Islamabad by the end of April.

The competition has been designed for teams from Abecedarian (Grade 9 – 12 / O / A levels) and Virtuoso (Undergraduate BS) groups.

Each team may consist of 2-4 students along with one Team Lead as a faculty member, the official informed.

The STEM investment is PKR 5000 per team. The winners will be awarded cash awards of PKR 100,000 and PKR 50,000 for each group (Abecedarian and Virtuoso) along with winning and participation certificates.

The interested teams may register online (// through their Team Leads (Focal Person/Faculty Member) by Feb 23, 2024.

Further details can be accessed through