Nation to observe Youm e Tashakur on adoption of resolution in UN on Islamophobia

ISLAMABAD, Mar 17 (APP):The nation will observe Youm e Tashakur on Friday after the United Nations finally recognized the grave Islamophobia challenge confronting the world.

United Nations, comprising 193-member states, had adopted a landmark resolution introduced by Pakistan, on behalf of the Organisation of Islamic Cooperation (OIC), designating 15 March as “International Day to Combat Islamophobia”.
Prime Minister Imran Khan had congratulated the Muslim Ummah after the United Nations (UN) adopted the historic resolution.
The Prime Minister had raised his voice against the rising trend of Islamophobia at international forums, including at the UN, and called on the global community to combat the challenge.
On Friday, Pakistan Television will air special transmission on Islamophobia and will highlight the unflinching efforts of Prime Minister to tackle Islamophobia.
It will also broadcast a documentary with chronology of hate events against Muslims.
Radio Pakistan will transmit a podcast on Islamophobia.
Friday sermons at the President House and in mosques of main cities including Faisal Mosque, Badshahi mosque, Wazir Khan mosque and Grand Jamia Masjid Bahria Town Lahore will focus on Islamophobia.
Special segments will be aired during talk shows and morning shows on television channels.
Ulema, scholars, academicians, women scholars and members of civil society will participate in activities during the day.
A dialogue will be held at the International Islamic University on “Rising Islamophobia in the world and the positive role of Pakistan”. Pakistan Ulema Council will conduct a dialogue.
Foreign missions in important countries including the United States, European Union and Gulf Cooperation Council will organize events to shed light on Pakistan’s role in tackling Islamophobia.